Week Three - 10 & 11 Week Four - Step 12 “…there was nothing left for us, but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet.. a)Do you concede to your innermost self that you are powerlessover alcohol? (step1, Readpg 30)b)Do you now believe, or are you willing to believe in a PowerGreater than yourself?(Step2,Readpg 47)c)Do you believe God could and would solve your alcohol problem ifsought?(step 2)If the answer is yes*, then readthe paragraph that contains the third step prayer pg 63.. *Ifthe answer is NO read & explain the Big Book up to pg 63 to the newcomerand then try this step guide again.. This makes us different than any 12 step program Narcotics Anonymous is a WE program not a me program. Copy Mac Photos Library To External Drive

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Week Three - 10 & 11 Week Four - Step 12 “…there was nothing left for us, but to pick up the simple kit of spiritual tools laid at our feet.. a)Do you concede to your innermost self that you are powerlessover alcohol? (step1, Readpg 30)b)Do you now believe, or are you willing to believe in a PowerGreater than yourself?(Step2,Readpg 47)c)Do you believe God could and would solve your alcohol problem ifsought?(step 2)If the answer is yes*, then readthe paragraph that contains the third step prayer pg 63.. *Ifthe answer is NO read & explain the Big Book up to pg 63 to the newcomerand then try this step guide again.. This makes us different than any 12 step program Narcotics Anonymous is a WE program not a me program. e10c415e6f Copy Mac Photos Library To External Drive

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Abandon your life to God with the most self surrender you can possiblymuster Readfrom the Big Book or a prayer written for the occasion.. Four week beginner meeting schedule: Week One – Step 1, 2, 3 Week Two - Step 4 thru 9.. This Step Guide can be done all at once or in 1 to 4 sittings Questions to ask the newcomer are in RED and passages to READ to the newcomer are in Blue.. The progression may be rapid Through work-ing the First Step we will address the obsession, the compulsion, the denial, and what many have termed a. Autodesk Revit 2015 Crack Xforce Osx

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